
30M€ per year to optimize 
European audiovisual works

Contact us
We introduce ourselves to each other. We explain the Tax Shelter system and learn about your line-up in development.

We check the Tax Shelter eligibility of your project as "European work" as per the AVSM Directive.
We estimate the possible Belgian Spend and commit to an associated Tax Shelter financing. On to the production phase!

Tax Shelter System

Europe's most generous Tax Incentive mechanism has funded hundreds of European projects since 2003. Yours could be the next.
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The Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal government is an EU-validated, spend-based mechanism created in 2003 to finance the Belgian creative industries. Unique in its kind, this public-private partnership has matured over the years to the benefit of all Belgian audio-visual industry stakeholders and of European producers alike.
In essence
In essence, the regulated system incentivizes Belgian corporations to allocate part of their taxes to European audiovisual projects that spend part of their production budgets using Belgian human and technical resources. The Belgian State delegates to private intermediaries, such as Beside Tax Shelter, the initiative and the responsibility to collect funds from such “client-investors”.
As a result, client-investors inject yearly 180M€ in European works coproduced with Belgian resources. Via the Belgian spend obligations, the Belgian ecosystem (cast, crew, studios, etc) benefits from the inflow of projects and associated expenditures. Since these Belgian expenditures represent taxable income in Belgium, the Belgian State recoups the “tax gift” it granted to the “client-investors  ”.
Ranging from critically-acclaimed movies such as France’ Hors Normes to “big budget” series such as Der Schwarm, the Tax Shelter mechanism fuels Europe’s race for content of all genres and budgets.   The Tax Shelter virtuous circle has been spinning for nearly  20 years!

Our Tax Shelter fund

Beside Productions’ in-house Tax Shelter fund has provided 175M€ financing to European projects since its inception.
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Beside Productions' in-house Tax Shelter Fund

Since 2021, Beside Productions’ in-house Tax Shelter fund has reached an annual amount 30M€ of Tax Shelter Funds available to finance and coproduce European Works.  In only 7 years, we simply became Belgium’s leading “financing producer”.
Beside Productions’ put its in-house Tax Shelter fund to use in the following way:

- Beside Productions finances 42 to 44% of Belgian eligible production costs (shoot and/or post-production). This is a net percentage after deduction of all costs and fees.

- Co-production costs are transparent and known in advance. They are already deducted from this net ratio of Tax Shelter financing, making Tax Shelter Europe’s the most attractive financing sytem.

- All production-related expenses qualifying as Belgian taxable income are eligible. Shoot and/or post-production including VFX are eligible. Overseas costs using Belgian resources are Tax Shelter eligible.

- Beside Productions cash flows its financial contribution to the project. No extra financing costs: our standard model brings cash at hand when the local expenses actually occur.

Regional Funds

Every € spent in Belgium has the potential to generate extra-funding from one of Belgium’s three Regions.
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Regional Funds

Alongside the Tax Shelter financing system, the three local Regional Funds constitute Belgium’s second financing pillar of every European project aiming for a Belgian co-production.  Together, Wallimage, Screen Flanders and Screen Brussels represent ~10M€ of financing per year.
Beside Productions works hand-in-hand with the European producer to maximize chances of success. We select the right Region(s) for every project based on its characteristics, we optimize the regional spending ratio, we draft and file the application. And we “make the case”!

As a result, in spite of their selective and increasingly competitive nature, Beside Productions’ access to the three Regional Funds is un-paralleled: 26 successes in 32 applications!